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 16 results in yourMediumsearch for"collodion and silver on iron with lacquer"Advanced Search
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Tintype of a man wearing a suit with a pendant on the lapel, early 20th century. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype photograph of a man identified as James Turner, with two women, ca. 1873. Creator: H.G. Pearce.
Tintype of a man, late 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, late 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a woman, late 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a woman, late 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a woman, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of two women, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a woman, 1856-1900. Creator: E. C. Stowe.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.
Tintype of a man, 1856-1900. Creator: Unknown.